Friday, October 12, 2012


1. What is the number in the upper right corner of your paper?

2. What did you contribute to the paper - and by this I mean, what did you actually get published.
4 drawings and a comic

3. How many people contributed to the creation of this paper - you will have to look at each photo, each, story, each piece of art and count?

4. What is your favorite photo in the paper? describe it, what page is it on?
 The photo of Sean on page 2, he's so glorious

5. What is your favorite story in the paper?
Student Athletes punished for tweets
      a. Who wrote it?  Dez
      b. What was it about? Student athletes being punished for their tweets
      c. Why is it your favorite? Because I think it's an interesting issue

6. Which is your favorite graphic? why?
 The ACL one, it's really well done

7. What page looks the best? why?
 Student life, it's nicely weighted

8. What will you do next issue, and be specific, to make it even better than this issue?
Work harder on my drawings

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